Engineering Review Fees for Water/Sewer Line Extensions

Adopted April 7, 2009

Prior to Design

Submit a written request to the Authority Administrator that describes the purpose and routing of the proposed extension and requests permission to proceed with preliminary design. The Authority Board will review the request and forward a recommendation to the County Board of Supervisors. If approved by the County Board of Supervisors and the Authority Board, the Owner may proceed with preliminary design. The Engineer is required to be approved by the Authority.

Preliminary Design Review (Meeting to review preliminary/conceptual design)

  • No fee is associated with this initial meeting which is recommended but not required.
  • Authority will provide the Design Checklist if the Engineer does not already have a copy.
  • Review scope of the project and proposed routing. Adjust routing as necessary.
  • Identify studies, field investigations, modeling, and permits that may be needed.

Prior to Design Review

  • Engineer shall contact the County’s Fire Marshall and receive written comments concerning required fire flow, fire hydrant locations, and fire vehicle access for the project.
  • The Engineer shall complete and sign the Authority’s Design Checklist.

Design Review



$0.50/linear foot as measured along main


$0.40/linear foot as measured along main

  • Submittal shall include two paper copies of the plans, a Design Checklist that has been completed and signed by the Engineer, and payment of the Design Review Fee.
  • The plans will be reviewed against the Design Checklist for content and completeness. If three items on the checklist are found to not be adequately addressed, the review will stop, the plans will be returned to the Engineer with the incomplete items noted, and review will not continue until the incomplete items are addressed.
  • Upon completion of the Design Review one marked copy of the plans will be returned along with written comments.

Prior to Second Design Review

  • Authority comments from the Design Review shall be addressed.
  • If required, the revised plans shall be submitted by the Engineer to the Virginia Department of Health for review and comment. VDH comments shall be addressed prior to the Second Design Review.
  • The revised plans shall be submitted to the County’s Fire Marshall for review and comment. A copy of the Fire Marshall’s approval letter shall accompany the second design submittal.
  • The Engineer shall complete and sign the Authority’s Design Checklist.

Second Design Review

  • Submittal shall include two paper copies of the plans and the Design Checklist that has been completed and signed by the Engineer.
  • The plans will be reviewed against the Design Checklist for content and completeness. If three items on the checklist are found to not be adequately addressed, the review will stop, the plans will be returned to the Engineer with the incomplete items noted, and review will not continue until the incomplete items are addressed.
  • Upon completion of the Second Design Review one marked copy of the plans will be returned along with written comments. The comments will note if the next submittal will be considered an Extended Design Review submittal.

Extended Design Review (if required)



$200 each submittal

  • Submittal shall include payment of the Extended Design Review Fee, two paper copies of the plans and the Design Checklist that has been completed and signed by the Engineer.
  • The plans will be reviewed against the Design Checklist for content and completeness. If three items on the checklist are found to not be adequately addressed the review will stop, the plans will be returned to the Engineer with the incomplete items noted, and review will not continue until the incomplete items are addressed.
  • Upon completion of an Extended Design Review one marked copy of the plans will be returned along with written comments. The comments will note if the next submittal will be considered an Extended Design Review.

Design Review Complete

When all Authority and VDH comments have been adequately addressed the Authority will consider the plans to be complete. However the Authority will not approve the plans as ready for construction until the following items have been completed:

  • An Extension Agreement has been executed by the Owner and the Authority.
  • The Owner has paid the applicable Construction fees.
  • The Owner has paid the invoice of estimated construction materials to be provided by the Authority.
  • The Owner has provide a letter of credit to cover the cost of construction

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(434) 239-8654

Campbell County Utilities and Service Authority
20644 Timberlake Road
Lynchburg, VA 24502

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