Lead and Copper Rule Revisions

Dear Valued Customer,

To help protect customers, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established the  Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR). As part of the LCRR, Campbell County Utilities and Service Authority (CCUSA), and all other drinking water utilities, must develop an inventory of pipe material on both the public and customer owned service lines.  This pipe material inventory, although not required to be complete, has to be electronically available to the public by October 2024.  You will find that inventory, as we develop it, on our GIS Water Service Line Status Map, where you can search for your address.  A link to the GIS Water Service Line Status Map will be posted to https://www.ccusa-water.com/about/lead-and-copper-rule-revisions.

CCUSA and homeowners have a shared responsibility to protect the drinking water from lead sources.  To date, no lead lines have been found on CCUSA owned/public service lines.  While we do not know of any lead pipes in our distribution system, customers, particularly those in older homes, may have lead plumbing.  We are asking you to identify the pipe material coming into your home and then report that information to us.  You can find tips on how to identify the pipe material and report  your findings on the survey link below:

Alternatively, to filling out the online survey, a paper survey can be obtained from our office, 20644 Timberlake Road, Lynchburg, VA 24502.  

If you find that you are having trouble determining the material, using the assistance provided with the online or paper survey, you can request a visit from a CCUSA staff member to assist you.  Simply contact the main office at 20644 Timberlake Road, Lynchburg, VA 24502.

As a Thank You for filling out this short survey, you could qualify for a one-time $20 credit on your bill. (Updated 3/18/2024: CCUSA Received more funds are able to increase the credit offered to $20.  All surveys previously submitted will also receive the full $20 credit)

If you have already submitted your pipe material to CCUSA, we thank you and will process your credit promptly. Otherwise, please let us know what you find.

Campbell County Utilities and Service Authority

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(434) 239-8654

Campbell County Utilities and Service Authority
20644 Timberlake Road
Lynchburg, VA 24502

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